Dan Wilkins and His Cat


Dan Wilkins and His Cat

Once upon a time, there was a poor orphan boy named Dan Wilkins who lived in a small village in the countryside. He was often very hungry. He had heard of a faraway place called London, where everyone was rich, and the streets were paved with gold. So, he decided to go there.

But when he arrived in London, there was no gold to be seen. Poor Dan was both disappointed and starving, so he sat down on the steps of a rich merchant’s house. The cruel cook who worked in the house tried to chase him away. But the merchant was a kind man, and he took pity on Dan and gave him a job in the kitchen. Even though the cook treated him badly and he had to sleep in a room full of rats and mice, he was very grateful for the merchant’s help.

Dan saved up all his money and bought a cat to get rid of the rats and mice. After that, his life became much easier, and he could sleep at night.

One day, the merchant, who was about to embark on a journey to the other side of the world, asked his household if there was anything they wanted him to take and sell. The only thing Dan owned was his cat, so he asked the merchant to take it along.

“I’ll see what I can get for it,” said the merchant.

And the merchant kept his word. He sold Dan’s cat to a king and queen who had a terrible rat problem in their castle. In return, they gave him an entire ship full of gold, which the merchant gave to Dan.

Dan was never hungry or poor again. He used his money wisely and never forgot his good friend, the merchant. When he grew up, he married the merchant’s daughter, and they lived happily ever after.

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