The little dragon went for a walk in the sunshine. Bzzz! said the bees. Piip! said the birds. Creak! said the bush… “What could that be?” wondered the little dragon. It was a wooden wagon with a broken wheel spinning around. “Stay there, I’ll get help!” said the...
The Little Dragon
The little dragon was sitting and reading a book about a wicked man who wore a kind of metal suit and killed dragons with his sword. The little dragon felt both scared and nervous. Just then, it heard some voices. “Oh no!” thought the dragon. “Dragon hunters!” And it...
Blaze, the Dragon Who Couldn’t Breathe Fire
In a peaceful mountain village surrounded by rolling green hills, there was a school for young dragons. Every dragon came there to learn to fly, roar, and—most importantly—breathe fire. All of the dragonlings were excited to show off their flames… all except one....
Luna, the Little Dream Dragon
In the heart of a quiet, starry forest lived a small dragon named Luna. She wasn’t like other dragons who breathed fire or hoarded treasure. Luna had shimmering blue scales that glowed softly like moonlight, and instead of fire, she breathed out puffs of silver...
The Golden Scales of Solara
In a distant kingdom surrounded by endless golden sands and sapphire blue skies, there was a legend whispered by travelers and sung by desert nomads—the legend of Solara, the golden dragon. Solara was said to be as radiant as the morning sun, with wings that shimmered...
The Whispering Mountain and the Silver Dragon
Long ago, hidden beyond the forest of forgotten songs, there stood a mysterious peak known as Whispering Mountain. Legends spoke of a mighty silver dragon who lived at its summit—guarding an ancient secret known only to the winds. Many travelers had ventured there,...
The Tale of Ember, the Brave Little Dragon
Once upon a time, in a hidden valley surrounded by misty mountains, there lived a small but fearless dragon named Ember. Unlike the other dragons who loved to hoard treasure and breathe fire for fun, Ember had a different dream—he wanted to become a guardian of the...
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The Love Lock Bridge
The soft hum of the city faded as Elena stepped onto the old stone bridge, the river below reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. The cool evening air carried the faint scent of blooming flowers and fresh rain, blending with the distant melody of a street...