Princes & Princesses

Princess Lily

Princess Lily

To be a real princess, you have to believe in your heart that you are one. There are princesses all over the world, and some of them don’t even know they are. Princesses come in all shapes and sizes. They don’t always live in a castle, wear fancy clothes, and a crown....

The Lonely Princess

The Lonely Princess

A long time ago, there lived three young princesses in the Kingdom of Gloria. Isabelle was the youngest of the three sisters. She was a kind and warm person to the people she met along her way. The other two sisters, Rose and Juliette, were very beautiful but cruel...

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The Ox Who Was Jealous of the Pig

The Ox Who Was Jealous of the Pig

Big Red and Little Red were two large, strong oxen. They worked on a farm. All day long, they pulled the farmer’s plow through the fields or hauled his heavy cart to the market. When night fell, they were completely exhausted and would collapse into a deep, dreamless...

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