A long time ago, the world had become a very troubled place. People had forgotten about God and lived selfishly, caring only for their own desires. They hurt one another, ignored God’s teachings, and filled the world with violence and greed. Yet, amidst all this darkness, there was one man who remained faithful—Noah. He listened to God, loved his family, and followed the path of righteousness, even when it was difficult.
One day, God spoke to Noah and said, “The world has become filled with wickedness, and I must wash away the evil to make things new. But you, Noah, have found favor in My eyes. Build an ark, a great wooden boat, to keep you, your family, and the animals safe.”
Noah didn’t hesitate. He trusted God completely, even though the task was enormous. Day after day, Noah and his family worked hard, cutting wood, hammering nails, and following God’s instructions exactly. As they worked, their neighbors laughed at them. “Why build a boat on dry land?” they mocked. “There’s no water for miles!”
But Noah didn’t listen to their jeers. He knew that God’s plan was always for the best, even if others didn’t understand it. Slowly, the ark took shape—a towering vessel that could hold Noah’s family and pairs of every kind of animal.
When the ark was finished, God told Noah to bring the animals aboard—two of every kind, both male and female. Birds flew in from the skies, lions padded across the ground, and elephants trumpeted as they entered the ark. The wooden boat was soon alive with the sounds of life: chirping, roaring, and rustling. Noah, his wife, their sons, and their sons’ wives followed God’s command and boarded the ark as well.
Then, the rain began to fall. At first, it was just a soft drizzle. But soon, the skies opened up, and the rain poured down in torrents. The rivers rose, and the streams overflowed. Water rushed over the land, covering towns, fields, and mountains. For 40 days and 40 nights, the rain didn’t stop.
Yet inside the ark, Noah and his family were safe. The great boat floated steadily on the rising waters, carrying its precious cargo of life. Noah spent his days caring for the animals, making sure they had food and water, and he spent his nights praying and thanking God for His protection.
Then, after weeks of waiting, the rain finally stopped. Slowly, the waters began to go down. After many more weeks, the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. Noah sent out a dove to see if the land was dry. The first time, the dove returned with nothing. But the second time, it brought back a fresh olive branch. And when Noah sent the dove out a third time, it didn’t return—because it had found a new place to call home.
When Noah stepped off the ark with his family and the animals, the earth was fresh and new again. The skies were clear, and the sun shone brightly. And then, in the sky, Noah saw something breathtaking—a beautiful, shimmering rainbow stretching from horizon to horizon.
God spoke to Noah and said, “This rainbow is a sign of My promise to you and all living creatures. I will never again destroy the earth with a flood. This is My covenant—a symbol of My everlasting love and faithfulness.”
Noah and his family knelt and praised God for His goodness. They built an altar to thank Him for their safety and for the promise of new beginnings.
To this day, when we see a rainbow, we remember God’s promise to be faithful and His unending love for all creation. Just like the rainbow in Noah’s time, it reminds us that after the storms of life, there is always hope and light.
Bible Verse: “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” — Genesis 9:13
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