The Little Lost Lamb


The Little Lost Lamb

Once upon a time, in a peaceful, green meadow surrounded by gentle hills, there lived a little lamb named Lily. Lily had soft, fluffy wool and the sweetest, most curious eyes. She loved her life in the meadow, where she played with the other lambs, basked in the sunshine, and listened to the shepherd’s comforting voice as he watched over the flock.

But Lily was not like the other lambs—she was adventurous and loved to explore. She often wandered to the far side of the meadow to see the butterflies fluttering and to chase the dancing dandelion seeds. The shepherd would smile and gently call her back, saying, “Stay close, Lily. It’s safe here with me.”

One warm afternoon, as Lily followed a trail of bright flowers, she noticed a shimmering stream she had never seen before. The water sparkled in the sun like diamonds, and the sight was so beautiful that she forgot all about the shepherd’s warning. Lily leaped over small rocks and followed the stream as it twisted and turned through the hills.

Before she knew it, the sun had begun to set, casting golden and purple hues over the sky. The meadow was nowhere in sight. The birds were quieting down, and the cool evening air made Lily’s wool shiver. She looked around and realized with a sinking heart that she was lost.

Fear began to creep in. The friendly sounds of the flock were gone, and the hills that had once looked soft and inviting now felt big and lonely. “Shepherd!” Lily cried out. “Where are you?” But there was no answer. Tears welled in her eyes as she curled up beneath a bush, feeling scared and alone.

Meanwhile, back at the meadow, the shepherd noticed that one of his sheep was missing. He quickly counted—99 sheep. “Lily!” he whispered with concern. Without wasting a second, he left the flock in a safe place and began his search. He climbed steep hills, crossed rocky paths, and called out, “Lily, where are you?” His heart was filled with love and determination—he wouldn’t rest until he found her.

Just as the stars began to dot the sky, Lily heard a familiar sound—soft but strong. It was the shepherd’s voice! Her heart leaped with hope. Moments later, she saw him coming toward her, holding his staff and calling her name.

When he reached her, he knelt down and gently scooped her into his arms. “Don’t be afraid, Lily,” he whispered. “I will always come for you.”

Lily nuzzled into his chest, feeling safe once more. The shepherd carried her back to the meadow, speaking words of comfort as they walked under the moonlit sky. When they returned, the other sheep cheered and bleated with joy to see her safe and sound.

Lily snuggled down in the soft grass, surrounded by the flock, as the shepherd sat close by, humming a peaceful song. She had learned an important lesson: the shepherd’s care was more precious than any adventure, and his love would always bring her back, no matter how lost she felt.

Just like the shepherd cared for Lily, Jesus watches over each of us. Even when we wander away or feel scared and lost, He never gives up on us. He will always come to bring us safely home.

Bible Verse: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” — Psalm 23:1

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