Once upon a time, there was an elastic band named Elliot. Elliot lived in a box full of other elastic bands, but he longed to see the world. One day, the lid of the box was left open. Elliot seized the opportunity, jumped out, and prepared to launch himself into the great unknown. He shot up into the clear blue sky, flying freely.
As he soared, he met a bird named Fredrik. Fredrik greeted Elliot with a friendly “hello.” Elliot continued his flight, eventually landing on an airplane. But the airplane was too fast, and Elliot couldn’t hold on, so he fell off and met another bird. This bird’s name was Filippa. Filippa also greeted Elliot with a cheerful “hello.”
Elliot then found himself landing in a chimney. A little girl discovered Elliot on the floor in her living room and called out to her mother, “Mom, I found an elastic band on the floor!” The girl’s mother came over and picked up Elliot.
Back in a new box of elastic bands, Elliot made wonderful new friends and lived happily ever after.
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