In My Plane


In My Plane

Arthur loved to fly. Every night, he dreamed of flying around the world. Every morning, he jumped into his plane and zoomed up into the clouds.

“Yippee!” he shouted, doing a loop. “This is the best feeling in the world!” There was only one problem. His flying adventures never lasted long enough! School and homework always got in the way. But one weekend, Arthur decided he would make his dreams come true.

At midnight, Arthur packed some food and clothes and climbed into his plane. His mom and dad were fast asleep, but his sister waved to him from her bedroom window. Whoosh! Arthur’s plane shot into the sky. “Watch out, world,” he shouted. “Here I come!”

Arthur could see the sea glittering in the moonlight far on the horizon. He met pirates on the ocean and escaped their cannons. He flew over dolphins, flying fish, and giant squids. He saw islands with palm trees and soared over cities and fields until he reached a carnival.

A little girl was sad because there was no Ferris wheel. Arthur got an idea and offered free rides in his plane. The line quickly grew so long it wrapped all the way around the carnival. Everyone wanted a turn.

After the carnival, Arthur flew to the tallest mountains, where snow covered the peaks and the view was breathtaking. He got hungry and landed at a small café, where he had hot cocoa with marshmallows and a sprinkle of marzipan.

Finally, Arthur wanted to go home, but he had flown so far that he couldn’t remember the way. Luckily, he flew over a town he recognized, and there stood his family—mom, dad, and sister—waving at him. Arthur had flown all around the world and was finally home again!

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