Jake’s School Trip


Jake's School Trip

Jake loved everything about space. He read every space book he could find. He even dreamed about space at night. When his school went on a field trip to the space center, he was so excited that he didn’t notice his class had moved ahead. When he looked around, he was all alone. Where had they gone?

Jake continued walking and came to an open door with a small window in the middle. As he stepped inside, the door slammed shut, and he heard a voice: “LAUNCH!”

“Oh no!” Jake said. There was a loud roar, and the ground shook. Suddenly, he shot up into the air at incredible speed. Jake was inside a rocket that was heading into space!

Jake floated upside down and stared out of the small window. He could see the Moon, the green and blue Earth, and countless stars. He also saw a spaceship filled with aliens! Purple aliens with three eyes and five arms waved at him. Then, he floated into the control room where an astronaut was waiting.

“Excuse me,” he began. “I got lost and …” But the astronaut was so startled that he fainted. Jake took a deep breath and sat at the control panel. He tried to remember everything he had read about rockets. Then, he pressed a large ‘home’ button and crossed his fingers.

SWOOOSH! The rocket turned around and sped back toward Earth. It split into three parts, and a button with a parachute symbol started blinking. Jake pressed it. Moments later, he floated safely down to the space center. His classmates and teacher were waiting for him. As the door opened, everyone started clapping! “This was the BEST school trip EVER!” Jake said.

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