Muddy Paw and the Birthday Party


Muddy Paw and the Birthday Party

The story begins with Muddy Paw outside in the garden. There is a lot of activity—pounding feet, new smells, and loud voices. A group of children runs up to the house, and something exciting is clearly happening, but Muddy Paw is stuck in the garden with no one to play with. The flowers, the grass, and even the air feel dull, and Muddy Paw starts to feel hungry.

The dog tries to find its bone, but it’s gone. Wondering what might be happening inside the house, Muddy Paw presses its nose against the window. Inside, Benjamin and the other children are running around, laughing. They seem to be having so much fun, and Muddy Paw desperately wants to join in.

Suddenly, Benjamin’s mom enters the room carrying something incredible—the biggest and most delicious-looking cake Muddy Paw has ever seen, decorated with small candles. Muddy Paw licks its lips and presses its nose even harder against the glass. Then, the door opens, and Benjamin steps outside.

“Mom says you can come in now!” Benjamin calls. But surprisingly, Muddy Paw no longer wants to go inside. The big, shiny things that go bang, Benjamin’s mom shouting, and all the unfamiliar children make everything feel overwhelming. It all seems so strange.

But then Benjamin says, “I know what will help!” and throws Muddy Paw’s ball high into the air. In an instant, the dog forgets all about the scary things—the shiny objects, the new children, and even Benjamin’s loud mom. Benjamin wants to play! Muddy Paw joyfully leaps up and chases the ball as fast as it can.

Benjamin picks up Muddy Paw and hugs him tightly, whispering, “I’m sorry, Muddy Paw. You didn’t know it was my birthday. But you do know that you’re my best friend, right? And best friends do everything together. And share everything!”

“Woof!” Muddy Paw barks excitedly and licks his lips.


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