Millions of kilometers from Earth, on the other side of the universe, lies a small planet named Fliptune. It is dark and cold, far from the sun, behind a much larger planet. On this planet live small green aliens. They use torches to see.
One day, a young alien named Neila put the wrong batteries in her torch.
Suddenly, there was a blinding beam of light. It shot up into the sky, around the sun, and hit planet Earth.
The light struck a boy named Oliver and his dog, Elvis. Neila quickly turned off the torch, but Oliver and Elvis were sucked up by the light. They flew through space and landed next to Neila. “Hi,” said Oliver. Neila waved.
‘Wow!’ said Oliver. ‘Everything is made of ice!’ Elvis licked his paw.
“The ice never melts, and no one eats it. It’s too cold here,” said Neila. “It needs to be in my stomach,” thought Elvis.
Neila looked sad. ‘Can you help us?’ she said. ‘We need sunlight to make things grow.’
“No problem,” said Oliver. ‘Can you get us home? I have an idea.’ ‘Wait here!’ said Neila.
She got her flashlight, put the wrong batteries in again – ZOOM! Oliver and Elvis hurried back to Earth.
Oliver pointed his bedroom mirror between the sun and Fliptune. The sun’s rays bounced off the mirror and up onto Neila’s planet.
Thanks to Oliver, Fliptune is no longer cold. Elvis moves the mirror every day to keep the sun shining there. Now Neila and her friends sit in the sun enjoying all the free ice cream.
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