The Dog and the Shadow


the dog and the shadow

Once upon a time, there was a playful dog who loved to explore. One day, while walking through the forest, he found a big, juicy piece of meat. “What a lucky day!” he barked happily, holding the meat tightly in his mouth.

As the dog walked back home, he came to a bridge over a small stream. When he stepped onto the bridge and looked down, he saw his reflection in the water—but the dog didn’t realize it was just a reflection!

To the dog, it looked like another dog below him, holding an even bigger piece of meat. His eyes grew wide with greed. “If I can grab that bigger piece, I’ll have two treats!” he thought to himself.

Without thinking, the dog barked loudly to scare the other dog away. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat fell from his jaws and splashed into the stream below. The dog watched in shock as the meat drifted away in the water, completely out of reach.

Sadly, the dog realized his mistake. By being greedy and trying to get more, he had lost the tasty meal he already had.

The End

Moral of the story: Be happy with what you have, or you might lose it all trying to get more.

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