The Leap Frog


The Leap Frog

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a beautiful princess who was sought after by many suitors. The king, her father, decided that the one who could jump the highest would win her hand in marriage. News of this competition spread throughout the land, attracting various creatures eager to prove their worth.

Three contestants stood out: a proud flea, a boastful grasshopper, and a clever frog. The flea, with its noble lineage, was confident that its royal blood would ensure victory. The grasshopper, known for its fine upbringing, believed that its grace would impress the audience. The frog, however, remained quiet and observant, choosing to bide its time.

As the competition began, the flea jumped high into the air, soaring above the crowd. However, its height was so great that the spectators could not see it, leading them to suspect foul play. Next, the grasshopper took its turn, leaping with elegance, but unfortunately landed directly on the king’s face, causing a stir and laughter among the audience.

Finally, it was the frog’s turn. With a simple yet determined leap, the frog soared gracefully and landed right in the princess’s lap. The crowd erupted in applause, and the king was impressed. He declared that no one should jump higher than his daughter, and thus the frog won the competition.

The flea and grasshopper felt cheated and humiliated. The flea, enraged, vowed to seek revenge, while the grasshopper lamented the superficiality of beauty and the folly of pride.
In the end, the frog and the princess were united, and the kingdom celebrated the victory of humility and wisdom over arrogance and showmanship. The story serves as a reminder that true worth lies not in appearances but in character and cleverness.

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