The little dragon went for a walk in the sunshine. Bzzz! said the bees. Piip! said the birds. Creak! said the bush…
“What could that be?” wondered the little dragon.
It was a wooden wagon with a broken wheel spinning around.
“Stay there, I’ll get help!” said the little dragon. He quickly returned with his friends, Prince Pip, Princess Pippa, and Baron Boris. They brought some rope so they could rescue the wagon.
With everyone’s help, they quickly pulled the squeaky little wagon out of the bush and onto the road.
“It looks old, and it smells,” said Pippa. “Let’s give it a bath.”
They pulled the wagon home to the little dragon’s cave and gave it a bath. Pip fixed the wheels. Pippa painted yellow polka dots on it. And finally, Boris oiled the wheels.
“I wish I had a wagon like that, little dragon!” said Pip.
“It’s not really mine,” said the little dragon sadly. “I only just found it. And I should probably put it back in the bush.”
Just then, they heard the sound of a trumpet from the castle on the hill… It was the signal that Pip, Pippa, and Boris had to go home for dinner. The little dragon waved goodbye and walked over to put the wagon back. But the little wagon’s wheels dug into the dirt, creaking even louder than before.
The little dragon pulled… and pulled… but it was hard work!
So he sat down on the wagon to rest. Suddenly, the wagon started rolling down the hill all by itself!
It only stopped when it reached the bush.
The dragon waved goodbye to the wagon and started walking back up the hill. But he hadn’t gone far before he heard a creak. The wagon was right behind him!
“Do you want to come home with me?” asked the little dragon.
Creak! said the wagon, which meant: “Yes, please!”
And so, the magical wagon gave the dragon a ride all the way home.
Read more Dragon Stories.
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