The Lonely Monster


The Lonely Monster

People came from far away to see the enormous monster by Coco Lake, but no one had actually seen it yet. One day, a boy named Frank was sitting by the lake’s edge when he heard a splash. He sat completely still, and then he saw the monster climb out of the water. “Wow!” Frank said. “You’re not bigger than a kitten!”

The monster jumped in surprise. “Oh no. Please don’t tell anyone you’ve seen me!” the monster pleaded. “They’ll be so disappointed, and then they won’t visit anymore. And then I’ll be truly lonely.”

But Frank knew better. “They’ll love you!” he said. He showed the little monster how to play catch and taught it to play hide-and-seek. He also brought his friends along, and soon the whole town got to know the sweet little monster by the lake. The place bustled with visitors, and the monster was never lonely again.

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